2019 Cal South State Cup Mayors Youngers
Venue: Eastvale Park

Venue Information
Venue: Eastvale Park
Address: 12750 Citrus Street
Eastvale, CA  92588
Web Site: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Eastvale+Community+Park/@33.9488457,-117.5654347,16.67z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x80dcca033bffa8fb:0x9eadef5542e46f0c!8m2!3d33.9490205!4d-117.5629591
Directions: 15 North Exit 6th Street Turn Left off the freeway Turn Right at Hamner Ave Turn Left at Citrus Parking Fee: $10.00. No overnight parking. No onsite State Cup merchandise available at this location. You can go to the SilverLakes venue with your parking ticket.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
1 East 1 Large Field with Lights OPEN Schedule
2 East 1 Large Field with Lights OPEN Schedule
3 East 3 Large Field with Lights OPEN Schedule
4 East 4 Large Field with Lights OPEN Schedule
5 East 5 Large Field with Lights OPEN Schedule
6 East 6 Large Field with Lights OPEN Schedule
7 East 7 Large Field with Lights OPEN --
8 East 8 Large Field with Lights OPEN --
A1 East 1A Dual Sized Field OPEN --
A2 East 2A Dual Sized Field OPEN --
A3 East 3A Dual Sized Field OPEN --
A4 East 4A Dual Sized Field OPEN --
A5 East 5A Dual Sized Field OPEN --
A6 East 6A Dual Sized Field OPEN --
B1 East 1B Dual Sized Field OPEN --
B2 East 2B Dual Sized Field OPEN --
B3 East 3B Dual Sized Field OPEN --
B4 East 4B Dual Sized Field OPEN --
B5 East 5B Dual Sized Field OPEN --
B6 East 6B Dual Sized Field OPEN --

Printed On: Friday, October 4, 2024  10:24:44 PM