2010 Rancho Santa Fe Attack Cup
Venue: Torrey Pines Elementary

Venue Information
Venue: Torrey Pines Elementary
Address: 8350 Cliffridge Ave
La Jolla, CA  92037-2106
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: -
Directions: I-5 North or South to La Jolla Village Dr. West. Travel West on La Jolla Village Drive. to La Jolla Scenic Drive., and turn left at the light. Travel South on La Jolla Scenic Drive. and turn right on Scenic Place. Continue until it ends at a "T" and turn left on Cliffridge Ave. The school will be on your right and the field is behind the school. Park in the YMCA parking lot to your left.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
1 Torrey Pines ES S Medium 9v9 OPEN Schedule