2016 Holiday Cup
Venue: Tidelands Park

Venue Information
Venue: Tidelands Park
Address: Mullinix Drive Glorietta Blvd
Coronado, CA  92118
View Map: Google Map
Web Site: www.calsouth.com/resources/tournaments/state_cup/statecup_venues.htm#cor
Directions: Take Freeway 5 North or South. Take the Coronado Bridge exit West. Once across the bridge, you come to a vacant toll plaza. After the toll plaza take your first right onto Glorietta Blvd. Follow Glorietta Blvd to the first stop sign and take a right into Tidelands Park.

Fields At This Venue
No Field Name Description Status Schedule
01 Field 1 Small 7v7 OPEN --
02 Field 2 Small 7v7 OPEN --
03 Field 3 Small 7v7 OPEN --
04 Field 4 Small 7v7 OPEN --
05 Field 5 Small 7v7 OPEN --
1 Tidelands 1 Large 11v11 OPEN --
1A Tidelands 1A Medium 9v9 OPEN Schedule
1B Tidelands 1B Medium 9v9 OPEN Schedule
2 Tidelands 2 Large 11v11 OPEN Schedule
3 Tidelands 3 Small U7 OPEN Schedule
4 Tidelands 4 U10 OPEN Schedule
5 Tidelands 5 U10 OPEN Schedule
6 Tidelands 6 U10 OPEN Schedule