2019 Cal South State Cup Presidents Youngers
Published Team Schedules - Boys 2010/9U Presidents

WildCards Bracket Ladder Display Round of 16 Quarter Final Semi-Final Final

* You may click on each respective team to see the team's schedule.

6 Wild Cards Will Advance.
WC Num WildCards Team
Tie Brkr Goal Diff Tie Brkr Goals Against Tie Brkr Goals For Tie Brkr Shut Outs
WC1 B1: Newcastle United FC - B2010P 3.00 -214110
WC2 A3: Strikers FC South Bay - B2010 Black 3.00 -31291
WC3 D4: Pateadores IRV B2010 3.00 -41380
WC4 C1: LAGSB 2010 Pre Academy 3.00 -61480
WC5 E3: Rebels Soccer Club - B10 Elite 2.00 -2860
WC6 E2: LA Galaxy OC - B2010 PDA 1.00 -4950
WC7 D2: CDA FC Slammers - Cerritos B10 Torres 0.00 -4620
WC8 C3: Strikers FC-Irvine - B2010 Anaya 0.00 -81430
WC9 B4: Atlante SD E Moreno 0.00 -101660
WC10 A1: Murrieta Surf B10 PDA 0.00 -122200