Shown below is the list of accepted teams for the 2022 D5 President’s Cup Coed January 8 & 9 tournament for the age group.
Coed Under 10 E 5 - Accepted Teams
Group Club/Team Name Team ID  Head Coach
 E1 - AVS Apple Valley Storm Recreation League
#1 AVSR N. WARD - B2012
0547-02RB12-0302   Nathanael Ward
 E2 - ESC Empire Soccer Club Rec
Empire SC - BU10 #2
0571-01RB12-8806   Jessica Hyman
 E3 - MBY Morongo Basin Youth Soccer association
Morongo Basin - B2012 - Arianna
0504-01RB12-1857   Ariana Rodriguez
 E4 - RYS League 0509 - 01
RYSL All Stars
0509-01RB12-1201   Michael Thomas
 E5 - VYS Victorville Youth Soccer League
0541-01RB12-9864   Eddie Serrato