RPDA Clinics
This is only for CSC REC players
Aug 12 5:00 - 6:30
Aug 19 5:00 - 6:30
Aug 26 5:00 - 6:30
Ages for both sessions 6 (2011)-11 (2006) Boys and Girls at Pershing MS
RPDA (Rec Player Development Academy)
During our August installment of the RPDA, our focus will continue to be on individual skill development. Additionally, sessions will incorporate 2v1, 2v2, 3v2, and 3v3 situations so players begin to understand the fundamentals of combination play and small group tactics. Coaches will teach players the importance of recognizing the moment to pass, dribble or shoot. Cost for the PDA sessions are $50.00
The coaching ratio will be 1 coach to 10 players.
We are only looking to take on 40 players for this session
Also there will be a speed agility session involved.